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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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Ofsted have now launched a new online questionnaire called ‘Parent View’. This gives you the chance to tell them and us what you think about our school.
You will be asked your opinion on the different aspects of our school, from how we deal with bullying, the quality of our teaching and behaviour. Sharing your views helps us to continuously reflect and look at how we can improve what we do for your children. Just click on the 'Parent View' logo, to take you directly to their site.



Full copies of our most recent Inspection Report can be viewed by following the link below:



Ofsted Comments about St George's Catholic Primary School - 


Pupils at St George’s receive an excellent education that is focused on both academic and personal growth. Academically, pupils achieve highly in national measures. They are also supported exceptionally well to develop into caring and thoughtful citizens.


Pupils are kind to each other and encouraged to help others from the wider community. Leaders have designed and implemented a curriculum that has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).


Leaders make sure that all pupils benefit from this education. Members of staff receive appropriate training to make leaders’ aspirational vision a reality. Staff, pupils and families all spoke about behaviour as a strength of the school. Leaders have ensured that pupils’ conduct and attitudes consistently support learning.


Leaders aim to build pupils’ confidence and leadership attributes by giving them positions of responsibility at the school. These roles are as diverse as house captains and prayer and play leaders. Pupils relish the challenge of these responsibilities, and talked about how these support their character growth. Pupils relish coming to school and are inspired to do well in all aspects of school life. They feel very well supported and cared for by adults and they are kept safe.

Academy conversion letter (OFSTED)
