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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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Video updates 2020

Magnificat - The drawings are by St George's Catholic Primary School, Harrow.

The drawings are by St GeHere is the latest you tube clip with all the lovely pictures from your children. I think it celebrates the song Mary sang when told she would have a special baby and Mum's around the country did brilliantly through lockdown with their own special babies. I think the children have captured the many roles.

The choir track was recorded individually in people's homes, including a parent from St George's!
I hope you enjoy St George's Catholic Primary School, Harrow.

I Promise to See You at Christmas (Wish You Well) - Jonathan Preiss

A Christmas song by Jonathan Preiss, parent and resident of Harrow performed by children in Harrow Primary Schools.
