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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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Head Teachers Welcome


 Welcome to St Georges Catholic Primary School 


It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our school through our website.


Saint George's is a Catholic primary school for boys and girls aged two to eleven years. We have two forms of entry and approximately 420 pupils. The school is maintained by the Diocese of Westminster and serves the parish of St George’s, Sudbury. The school is part of the Blessed Holy Family Catholic Academy Trust.


The school has a 30-place day nursery called St George's Dragons. Fees are payable for this provision although it does have a number of funded-only places. St George's Dragons is run by the Governing Body of the school.


St George’s is a happy and successful school with dedicated staff and supportive parents and Governing Body. We serve a diverse community with all members playing an equal part.

There is a dedicated PSA which works tirelessly to raise funds for school development. Our core purpose as a Catholic School is encapsulated in our Mission Statement. A key feature of our school is the strength of partnership with the Parish and local community. We are committed to working closely with families and the parish to provide the best learning experience for our pupils and to grow in their Catholic faith.


Our vision for St George’s is to ensure we build on our excellent foundation to continue to provide care, spiritual guidance and first class primary education for our children, which will equip them for their future learning, through the love of God and our neighbour.


I believe that children learn to take responsibility for their learning and their actions. Their self-esteem should be developed through achievement, and at St George’s we offer pupils a wide, diverse range of opportunities, both in and out of the classroom. We have high expectations for behaviour based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Gospel value of forgiveness.


We have high aspirations and we are determined to educate all of our children so that they can achieve success and maximise their capabilities, feeling happy, secure and safe in the school environment.

This website offers an insight into our school and Trust - a glimpse of our values, curriculum, events and community. If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact the school office by telephone on 020 8422 1272 or by email at


Mrs D Monaghan
