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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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Events 2020 - 2021

Holy Thursday April 2021
Pupil Chaplains lead whole school collective worship and we prayed together virtually.

St. Teresa's House Captains -

St. Teresa's House Captains - Easter Art Competition Winners 2021. The theme for the competition was stained glass windows.

Christmas 2020

The whole school made Christmas cards and wrote messages for parishioners of the parish and those in the local community.

The cards will be distributed alongside a Christmas Dinner for the elderly who are on their own this Christmas.

Year 3 First Reconciliation.

Over the past few weeks, the Year 3 pupils have been working hard to prepare for their First Reconciliation. On Friday 4th December and Monday 7th December, the children done their First Reconciliation at school with Mrg Jeremy & Fr. Julio. We hope the children's First Reconciliation was a wonderful experience of the Mercy of God.

St Georges Chapel visit

Some of our pupils, accompanied by Mrs Monaghan, went on a special visit to the side chapel at Westminster Cathedral, to view the beautiful chapel dedicated to our school saint, St George.
