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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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2015- 2016 Leaders

At St George's, we have 21 Sports Leaders, all from Year 6. 

Our Sports Leaders are role models to the rest of the school and are the children's voice for sport at St George's.  They take an interest in what children think of sport at St George's and advise on what changes they would like to see. 

There roles and responsibilites include:

Games with KS1 - 'Play Leaders'

Teaching skills to KS1 - skipping, throwing, catching, finding space

Leading, managing and officiating School Games and lunchtime clubs

Planning and delivering House Competitions, working closely with our House Captains

Creating their own games

Advertising sporting events

Writing reports about sporting events and news

Monitoring and helping with equipment


Read one of our Sports Leader's blogs here

On 1st October 2015, eight of our Sports Leaders took part in a Sports Leaders Conference at the Harrow Leisure Centre.  The children explored all the different skills and qualities required to be a good leader and how to use these skills on the playground with other children.  They also worked with students from Park High School, to learn and play new games, using simple equipment and easy rules.  They then had the opportunity to create their own playground games and learn games from children in other Harrow schools.  Some qualities that St George's Sports Leaders thought were important for their role were:

Being reliable

Being prepared

Setting a good example

Finding solutions to problems

Encouraging others

Including everyone

Creating safe, fun, playground games
