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St George's

Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

We are learning and growing together as God's family.

We will always do our best to love and respect each other as we prepare for our future.

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ETHOS and Values

At St George's we aim...


  • To remain true to our Faith.
  • To make individuals feel special, successful and a valued part of our school community.
  • To keep the Catholic ethos of the school under constant review.
  • To provide a rich and challenging curriculum in an effort to sustain the highest possible standards.
  • To provide a curriculum reflecting and being informed by Catholic principles and provide social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
  • To engage our families and the Parish in the development of our children.
  • To provide opportunities for the School to be central to the life of community.
  • To provide a healthy, caring and supportive environment where all can develop and progress to their full potential.
  • To provide opportunities to be fully involved in the Catholic life of the community by participating in liturgies, assemblies and caring for our environment.
  • To create an inclusive culture which respects and celebrates all members of our immediate and wider community.
  • To set challenging, but achievable targets for children and staff to aspire to.
  • To develop technology based individual learning for all pupils.
  • To provide leadership opportunities for all members of the school community.
  • To link home and school through the development of a learning community.

Teaching Other Faiths 

We're committed to fostering an environment of understanding, respect, and appreciation for all faiths and cultures. Our Year 5 students have embarked on an enriching exploration of Islam as part of our Religious Education curriculum. Guided by our commitment to comprehensive learning, our students delve into the teachings of the Qur'an, explore the significance of prayer rituals, and learn about the rich history and values that guide the lives of millions around the world. Through interactive sessions, they also get an opportunity to appreciate the diverse cultural practices associated with Islam, from its art and literature to its traditions and festivals. 

